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Emily Kao

Reiki Master

Emily is a trained Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master. She has been practicing in private for over 6 years. Emily’s guiding philosophy centers around holistic collaboration with her clients to facilitate optimal emotional, mental, and physical relief, as well as profound healing. As an intuitive practitioner, Emily channels the universal life force energy, effectively and gently addressing the root causes of many imbalances. This process not only stabilizes but also reactivates the body’s innate capacity for self-healing. Emily firmly believes in the co-creative aspect of the healing journey, working closely with her clients to achieve their unique goals.


Many of Emily’s clients experienced immediate relaxation, reduced physical discomfort, and a profound reduction in anxiety after one or few sessions with her. 


Beyond her Reiki practice, Emily is committed to making a positive impact in her community. She combines her love for nature with her passion for emotional and mental well-being by volunteering at VCH’s Horticulture Therapy program. She dedicates her time to support residents in their rehabilitation from physical injuries, fostering social connections, and enhancing self-awareness through nature one-on-one and group activities. You can find Emily exploring the outdoors, identifying plant species, studying their medicinal properties, teaching, coaching, or embarking on adventures to different corners of the globe.

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